Spring Cleaning & Calorie Burn

With all of that snow finally melting, we all know what time it is…SPRING CLEANING! Spring is in the air and it provides us an opportunity to throw open the windows, let some fresh air in, and make our homes clean, happy and efficient spaces. Like any physical activity, chores you do around the house and garden can burn calories and stretch and tone muscles. Below is a list of spring cleaning tasks that you can do around your home and how many calories you will torch while completing them. It’s motivating to see even the simplest of tasks will add to your daily calorie burn. And don’t you dare forget–summer is right around the corner!

Newsletter - March 2014
Calorie burning activity 15 min 1 hour
Carpet sweeping, sweeping floors 39 156
Cleaning, heavy or major, vigorous effort 34 136
Mopping 43 170
Multiple household tasks all at once, vigorous effort 51 204
Cleaning, house 34 136
Washing dishes 22 88
Vacuuming 43 170