Newsletter - December 2013

Holiday Survival Edition

‘Tis the season to be jolly- But it’s not all fun and reindeer games! The holiday season brings family and friends together to celebrate traditions and spread good holiday cheer. They also bring lots of opportunities for eating high calorie foods. Even the most disciplined people struggle with temptation during the holiday season. If you keep the focus on the spirit of the season, you’ll most likely get through the holidays without gaining a pound.

Follow our tips below and you will find yourself able to indulge in the holiday spirit without piling on the pounds.

Newsletter - January 2013

1. Go Shopping!
Park as far away from the mall/ shopping center, and walk around before entering into your favorite store to buy holiday presents.

2. Engage in Non- Food Traditions
Take the focus off food and instead get family and friends more active during this holiday season. This time of year is about a lot more than just eating with your loved ones! Start and engage in non-food traditions such as ice-skatin