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Newsletter - December 2013

Holiday Survival Edition
‘Tis the season to be jolly- But it’s not all fun and reindeer games! The holiday season brings family and friends together to celebrate traditions and spread good holiday cheer. They also bring lots of opportunities for eating high calorie foods. Even the most disciplined people struggle with temptation during the holiday season. If you keep the focus on the spirit of the season, you’ll most likely get through the holidays without gaining a pound.
Follow our tips below and you will find yourself able to indulge in the holiday spirit without piling on the pounds.
1. Go Shopping!
Park as far away from the mall/ shopping center, and walk around before entering into your favorite store to buy holiday presents.
2. Engage in Non- Food Traditions
Take the focus off food and instead get family and friends more active during this holiday season. This time of year is about a lot more than just eating with your loved ones! Start and engage in non-food traditions such as ice-skating, caroling, reading holiday stories, or making holiday crafts.
3. Stay Hydrated
Keep a glass of water in your hand to keep hydrated! This will help you feel fuller quicker and eat less of those high calorie temptations.
4. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!
The holiday season can be busy and exhausting. Sometimes it just seems like you don’t have the time or the energy to exercise. But do not skip on your regular exercise routine no matter how busy you are, in order to avoid the naughty list this season! Even if you only have 30 minutes, take those 30 minutes and get active. Walk around your neighborhood and look at Christmas lights. Go outside and build a snowman with the kids. It doesn’t have to be formal exercise, as long as you are moving- it all counts!
5. Control Portion Size
Make sure to fill up your plate with lean protein and vegetables. If you simply can’t say no to that delicious piece of dessert, than have just a small piece. Holiday goodies in moderation is key!
6. Trim back the trimmings
Go all out and deck the halls with boughs of holly, but when it comes to holiday food, accessorize with care! To shave calories, go easy when adding nuts, cheese, cream sauces, gravy, butter, and whipped cream. These are all additions that don’t add much to the meal, but can add plenty to your waistline. Trim calories wherever you can so you leave the party feeling satisfied, and not stuffed.
7. Write it down
Keep a journal throughout this month to keep track of your food intake, exercise and weight loss. Don’t want to lug around a notebook? Download a food journal onto your smartphone!
8. Use a small plate
Using a smaller plate will create the illusion that you are eating more than what you actually are. This will trick the mind and help you feel fuller quicker. But whatever you do, don’t go back for seconds!
The best holiday parties include dancing. Start a new holiday tradition as a great form of fun and rent an instructional dance video followed by a holiday dance off! Burn calories and enjoy the holiday music while at a distance from food!
10. Damage Done?
If you weren’t able to use our tips, don’t beat yourself up. Click here to attend one of our in-person or online support groups to jump right back on track on your weight loss journey.
Dr. Angstadt: A Fellow “Fitbit-er”
Hear what Dr. Angstadt has to say about the Fitbit device:
“Fitbit is an excellent device for our patients for two reasons:
1. It makes you conscious of how many steps you take each day. Your daily goal is 10,000 steps and it drives you to accomplish that every day
2. If you share your fitbit account with friends or family, you can see where you are in comparison to someone else. We are all naturally competitive and having a friend pushing us to work harder is a great motivator.”
Dr. Angstadt is rocking a Fitbit Flex in the picture above. The Fitbit Flex is a slim and stylish wrist device that tracks your activity level during the day, and your sleep cycles at night. Not into a wrist device, don’t you fret. The Fitbit trackers comes in a variety of styles!
As a tool to motivate and encourage a more active lifestyle, the Fitbit is an excellent gift for this holiday season! This gift idea is perfect for anyone looking to increase their activity level. Not only is it a great stocking stuff-er, but also a great way to kick off a healthy and happy new year! Click here to learn more about the Fitbit and how you can join in on the fun.
On the 1st Day of Christmas Holiday Recipe COMFORTING CAULIFLOWER CHEESE SOUP
Calories per portion: 247
Protein: 28.9 g
Carbohydrate: 27.2 g
Fat: 2.6 g
- 1 small to medium cauliflower
- 1 large potato
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 4 cups skimmed milk
- 2 cups grated low-fat mature hard cheese
- salt, freshly ground black or white pepper and grated nutmeg to season
1. Trim, wash and finely chop the cauliflower, discarding any rough stalks. Peel and finely chop the potato into very small pieces, about 2cm/3/4 inch in size.
2. Place the cauliflower, potato, garlic and milk in a large pan and put on a low heat. Simmer until the potato is very soft, about 10-12 minutes.
3. Add the cheese with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste and using a stick blender process until smooth. Alternatively, place in a blender and puree until smooth. Serve piping hot or allow to cool to room temperature to serve.