It was the day that started a long, but often rewarding, journey to success. In addition to the importance of the surgery day, there is substantial importance in the days and years that follow. DIt was the day that started a long, but often rewarding, journey to success. In addition to the importance of the surgery day, there is substantial importance in the days and years that follow depending on what procedure you have, and what your life was like before, there will be different changes you can expect. We will talk to you about these potential changes during our informational seminar and consultation. Here are some lifestyle changes most patients can expect:

Food Planning Becomes Critical

Before your bariatric procedure, we will make sure you feel comfortable with the eating plan you’re going to follow after surgery. Your new way of eating means that planning for food will be more important than it has ever been. Since you’ll be eating smaller meals, and avoiding certain foods, this new plan is not conducive to a quick stop for fast food like so many of us are used to. We’ll teach you easy recipes and help you create grocery shopping lists so you can plan your meals in advance, to make sure you stay on track.

Your Family’s Meals May Change

Some of our patients tell us that their spouses and/or children lose weight after their bariatric surgery. This makes sense because often the meals become healthier for the entire family. With a new focus on lean proteins, fresh produce, and smaller portion sizes, this can benefit everyone in the household. It will be important to set expectations of the family, and get them on board to support you through your journey. Healthy changes are easier to make when your whole family is active in supporting the new ways of eating.

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After Bariatric Surgery Diet Guidelines

Post bariatric surgery diet guidelines are fully discussed with patients during their comprehensive nutritional evaluation prior to surgery. These guidelines are reinforced frequently during the patient's post-operative visits as well. Patients follow a soft/pureed diet for the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. Examples of pureed foods are anything blended and smooth such as baby foods, fruitless yogurt, cottage cheese, and hummus. Soft/mushy foods include chopped up ground meats such as turkey, veal, chicken, or pork; soft, white, flaky fish that is baked, broiled, or grilled, scrambled eggs and egg whites. Solid foods of all kinds should be completely avoided until weeks 4-6 or when the surgeon allows it.

We stress the importance of hydration, using non carbonated, decaffeinated, sugar free beverages. We always promote good quality proteins to be consumed from day one after your NYC bariatric surgery. High sugar and high fat foods are limited and very specific guidelines are provided to help equip patients with a clear-cut way to determine which foods are healthy for them to eat. Fruits, vegetables, and high fiber foods are reintroduced after the first few months. All patients get full details on dietary progression from our dietician at their follow up visits. The New York Bariatric Group is fully dedicated to promoting high standards for nutritional health.

That doesn’t mean that patients should not enjoy eating. The New York Bariatric Group weight loss program has been designed to help patients lose weight rapidly, but provides you with resources to help enjoy your new lifestyle by keeping the flavor and fun in eating. Each patient is given the option to enroll in our Store. We have great tasting meals and supplements for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks which can be ordered on our website. On our website you will find recipes you can prepare at home, and exchange suggestions with other New York Bariatric Patients in our member forums.

Tips to Avoid Feeling Deprived While Dieting (even before entering our program)

  • Learn and adhere to a sensible diet plan
  • Think lifestyle change rather than sticking with the diet mentality
  • Find new and exciting ways to stay motivated
  • Indulge in your bariatric treats once in a while
  • Connect with friends and ask for support
  • Don’t skip meals
  • Find enjoyment in activities other than eating
  • Reward yourself for reaching weight loss goals, but not with food
  • Be accountable for your eating, even on your down days
  • Eat small meals at specific schedules to avoid feeling hungry
  • Create lighter versions of your favorite meals that you can enjoy eating

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There Will Be Ups and Downs

For many people, bariatric surgery and the weight loss that goes with it are overwhelmingly positive parts of their life. But it is important to understand that the journey will inevitably have some challenges. There are major adjustments to make, and your life will change in a variety of ways. This is why we offer a comprehensive support program to make sure you get the guidance and expert advice you need to thrive, manage plateaus, get your questions answered, and find the success you want.

People May Ask About Your Weight Loss

With weight loss surgery, many patients start to lose weight quickly. Your friends, coworkers, or neighbors will likely start commenting on these changes. While the attention can be flattering and a great motivator to stay on track, you’ll also get questions about “how are you doing it?” It is completely up to you if you want to tell people you’ve had a bariatric procedure. Some of our patients tell everyone, and some just tell their close friends and family. If you don’t want to talk about your surgery, you can advise those asking that you’re losing weight with a focus on small meals with protein and plenty of vegetables, and by adding daily exercise to your routine. And that will be true! Just because you’ve also had surgery, this in no way diminishes the credit you should get for your hard work. Surgery is a tool that helps you make these changes, but your weight loss is ultimately a credit to your lifestyle changes and commitment.

Our commitment is not to just a successful surgery, but a positive and supportive after-surgery program as well. Contact us today or call us at 800-633-THIN to learn more about how we provide you with direct and ongoing support after bariatric surgery.

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Your Partner in Post-Bariatric Success

Sharon George is our Certified Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian with the New York Bariatric Group. She has been specializing in Bariatric Nutrition since 2003. It’s Sharon’s responsibility to meet with each of our patients before surgery to help educate them on the special nutritional guidelines they will need to follow after bariatric surgery. In reality, she becomes a patient’s personal dietitian.

Sharon helps each patient in making appropriate post bariatric surgery diet changes to improve their nutritional lifestyle by guiding them in their meal patterns based upon their personal preferences. Diets are followed based on specific procedures such as the intragastric balloon, lap band, lap sleeve gastrectomy, lap gastric bypass, and lap duodenal switch. Although every patient receives a comprehensive nutritional manual to use as a reference to whichever surgery they are having we recognize that in the beginning patients benefit from having someone that they can work with in selecting menu options. Here at the New York Bariatric Group, they get that help.

In Sharon's own words, “I try to meet with all our patients throughout their first year after having their surgery to make their experience positive and healthy. I see my job as being part supporter, educator, cheerleader and friend to each of our patients as they start their weight loss journey. It gives me and everyone here at NYBG a great sense of satisfaction when we hear another one of our patients has been able to achieve their personal goals with our help.” It’s just that kind of compassionate support, attention to detail, and ongoing assistance after bariatric surgery that makes an invaluable difference in the lives of our patients. Despite their busy schedules, our surgeons personally monitor the progress that each patient is making and frequently check with Sharon to make sure that each patient is receiving the bariatric surgery diet and nutritional support they need to remain healthy and stay on track to success.

Post–operatively, Sharon, along with the other patient support staff here at the practice, continues that high level of care. After bariatric surgery for the first 4-6 weeks, patients need special coaching to watch what to eat and avoid certain foods that will not be easily digested by their newly shaped stomach. It is also important that patients receive proper vitamin and protein supplements—which we provide and are also available in our online store.

During the first year after bariatric surgery, Sharon makes sure that all patients receive full details on their dietary progression during their follow-up visits. There is no question that weight loss surgery can be a life-changing event in the lives of our patients, but it requires a commitment to make long-term lifestyle changes that are not always easy for every patient. In those cases, the doctors and support staff are always available to our patients via email or phone. We encourage patients to participate in one of our support groups led by one of the surgeons at The New York Bariatric Group, or Sharon George.

Additionally, Sharon and the entire staff are always available for one on one consultation to ensure that every patient who wants to make a commitment to be successful after bariatric surgery will find the support they need to lose their weight. Patients have many options in their lives. We try to motivate our patients to realize that failure is not one of them.


lost 145lbs

Thomas' success story

I went in for surgery. An hour later, I came out a new man.


Everybody treated me like a king. The day of surgery, I was excited. The hospital couldn’t be any nicer. I went in for surgery. An hour later, I came out a new man. My recovery was awesome. I was out of bed that day. My wife and kids were my motivation on getting this surgery. They are my whole life. I’m happy I’m going to be around for them.

Listen to Thomas’ testimonial


lost 76lbs

Nicole's success story

I hit my goal weight ... and I feel fabulous


I had the gastric bypass. I am Type 2 Diabetic and I wanted to gain control of my sugar. I hit my goal weight in about 5 and half months and I feel fabulous. The procedure has completely changed my life for the better because it has empowered me as a middle aged woman that I can really do everything and anything that I want to do. I don't put an age on anything. I don't say I'm too old for something.

Listen to Nicole’s testimonial


lost 76lbs

Robert's success story

I was tired of the way I looked. I was tired of the way I felt.


I knew if I didn't change something soon, I was going to be in a lot of trouble. The consultation process was a lot easier than I expected. I was met with open arms. I was treated like I was the only patient here. Not only did they answer all of my questions, they had questions for me to make sure I was the right candidate for the surgery. After surgery and that weight started dropping off, my life started changing for the better.

Listen to Robert’s testimonial


lost 92lbs

Samantha's success story

I feel like a completely different person.


I had the gastric sleeve procedure. The driving factor behind me getting this procedure was my health. I didn't feel good physically or mentally. I had joint pains, even standing was difficult sometimes. Emotionally, this surgery completely turned my life around. I have so much more confidence. So much more happiness. I feel like a completely different person. I feel stronger. I feel able to accomplish more.

Listen to Samantha’s testimonial


lost 99lbs

Eileen's success story

It saved my life.


The driving factor behind me getting my procedure was that I couldn't get up off the floor with my granddaughter. That was my why. That was my big reason for having this surgery done. After surgery, it was a little bit of a struggle with what to eat. What you put in your mouth that you don't even think about. You don't think about what you're eating or how you're eating and portion size. It's what I do now every single day. The procedure has changed my life in so many ways. It saved my life.

Listen to Eileen’s testimonial


lost 126lbs

Brittany's success story

I am totally comfortable in my own skin.


I think I always grew up identifying myself as less than other people because I was fat. I decided to tackle that and just live my life. I had a sleeve gastrectomy. It changed how I view myself. How I communicate with people. I'm able to be much more of myself and live the life I always thought I should have been living. I am totally comfortable in my own skin. You have the tools you need to succeed here.

Listen to Brittany’s testimonial


lost 157lbs

Desiree's success story

I have a brand new life. I can do things I couldn't do before.


I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy because I had just become diabetic, and I had hypertension for many years. I lost a total of 157 pounds in 11 months. I have a brand new life. I can do things I couldn't do before. Everyone at New York Bariatric Group has been wonderful. They are kind. They are understanding. They make you feel comfortable. They will guide you every step of the way on your journey so that you can be successful.

Listen to Desiree’s testimonial

BMI Calculator

What is your height?


What is your weight?


Your BMI is

Note: A BMI of 30 – 34.9 or BMI 35 – 39.9 with no comorbidities qualify for lap band but is usually not covered by insurance.

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