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What Makes a Highly Skilled Surgeon?

The best surgeons in the world display a natural sense of courage and confidence and are highly educated in their respective field. Superior hand-eye coordination and the ability to stay calm under pressure are two other requirements. Specific skill sets with medical instruments and experience that goes along with these are first and foremost, and are absolutely essential for success.
A medical surgeon represents the best of the best – the highest skilled doctors in the medical field. What separates the very best surgeons from the average ones? Experience, a record of success and a caring nature. The very best, highest skilled surgeons care about people. Our very own Dr. Garber, Dr. Holover, Dr. Angstadt and Dr. Andrade are among the elite surgeons in the world. Our record of over 4500 procedures speaks for itself and the long term success our patients experience is a testament to the support and guidance we give to each and every patient.
New Support Groups are Now Available
In addition to our monthly support group held at the DeMatteis Center on the second Thursday of every month and our ONLINE support group meeting, the New York Bariatric Group is happy to announce we will now be offering more support meetings. Our expert psychotherapist and previous bariatric patient herself, Jean Rafferty, will be leading the new groups.
The first new group being offered is titled, “Success Habits Program: ‘How Do I Measure Up’ Checklist.” Topics discussed will include portion control, nutrition, celebrating my success, and embracing “The New Me.” The other session is titled, “Back on Track Program” that will include goal setting, spiritual goals, and balance and integration.
New meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings, Saturday mornings, and online! For more information please call our office at (866) 487-7570 or you may contact Jean Rafferty directly at (631) 291-1900 or at [email protected]
Patient Testimonial – Stephanie from Merrick
“Before having bariatric surgery I never wanted to get out of bed. I was always tired and I lost my breath easily. Exercise and basic everyday activity was extremely difficult. The excess weight affected every aspect of my life. In addition, I suffered from severe sleep apnea. Life after surgery is great! It has given me the opportunity to do things I used to find impossible. Now, I am very active. I try to swim at least 4 times a week. I am able to run and walk for a long period of time without getting tired and I no longer suffer from sleep apnea or any other health issue related to obesity. I am finally the 24 year old girl I’ve always wanted to be! The guidance and support I received from Dr. Garber is amazing. He is kind and always makes me comfortable when I see him. Over the years I established a very nice relationship with him. He is a great doctor and really cares about his patients!”