Newsletter - February 2014

Love After Weight Loss

Marla Laminack is a successful bariatric patient. She underwent a sleeve gastrectomy in May of 2013. Post surgery, Marla attended many support groups to help her on her weight loss journey. In doing so, she noticed that while most groups did address lifestyle change and proper eating habits, they did not address the specific needs of dating after bariatric surgery.

As a post bariatric patient we ask ourselves….Do we tell a first time date about our surgery? Do we explain we used to weigh 100+ pounds more? Do we explain why we can only eat a small amount of food and not drink with our meals? And how do we explain we would rather have a protein shake instead of a glass of wine or rather go to the gym than to a movie?

She pondered all these questions and thought- What if I bring all the single bariatric patients together on one site? If you date someone who is on the same journey, you don’t have to explain your saggy skin!

This site offers personal profiles with up to ten pictures, private chat, private email, the ability to block unwanted visitors, personal blogging, forums and more! Your first 60 days are free. If you decide to remain a member after 60 days, your membership is only $9.95 per month. Unlike other dating sites, we have no gimmicks and no up sells. You get it all for one low price.

How to Date…When You’re on a Diet

From the clothes you wear to the activities you suggest to how well you tip—every move you make on the first few dates is under a microscope. And when it comes to dining, what you order or prepare is equally as important as chewing it with your mouth closed. To help keep you on point while eating on a date, use these simple tips . . .

Newsletter - February 2014

1. Find out how the dish is prepared.
If the meal is buttered, braised, creamed, or pan-fried, it’s most likely packed with too much sodium, saturated fat, or oxidized fat. High-sodium diets can lead to not-so-wonderful things like heart disease and hypertension. You’re better off with things that are baked, broiled, grilled, roasted, steamed, or poached.

2. Rethink your use of condiments.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of Americans consume too much sodium. Help keep that in check by cutting back on condiments like salt, ketchup, pickles, relish, and sauerkraut, and sauces like soy, steak, teriyaki, and honey mustard. Herbs, spices, or lemon juice are healthier alternatives.

3. Plan ahead.
Most restaurants post their menus online. So take a five-minute break and scope out what healthy dishes are offered before committing to a place.

4. Reserve a table somewhere local.
Independent or family-run restaurants often prefer to buy fresh, local products to help their food stand out from the competition. Menus that feature locally grown produce also give chefs the opportunity to create a wider variety of unique and healthy recipes centered around in-season ingredients. Another upside? You look like a champ for supporting your community.

5. Order appetizers as entrees.
The more food you order, the more food you’re likely to eat. Appetizers offer smaller portions and can be healthy when they’re veggie-, seafood-, or chicken-based. That keeps portion sizes manageable.

6. Swap out your sides.
Onion rings, French fries, mashed potatoes, and pasta are all delicious but they’re hardly nutritious. Avoid consuming the excess calories, fat, and salt by swapping them for steamed veggies. If the restaurant offers no substitutions, ask your server to leave the unhealthy stuff off of your plate and order the vegetables separately.

7. Cook at home.
Offering to cook not only puts you in control of what goes on the plate and how it’s prepared, but it tells your date that you’re willing to put forth an effort to please them.

Click here to get more lifestyle tips! And don’t forget to register for one of our free in-person or online support groups.

Thomas' success story

I went in for surgery. An hour later, I came out a new man.


Everybody treated me like a king. The day of surgery, I was excited. The hospital couldn’t be any nicer. I went in for surgery. An hour later, I came out a new man. My recovery was awesome. I was out of bed that day. My wife and kids were my motivation on getting this surgery. They are my whole life. I’m happy I’m going to be around for them.

Listen to Thomas’ testimonial
Nicole's success story

I hit my goal weight ... and I feel fabulous


I had the gastric bypass. I am Type 2 Diabetic and I wanted to gain control of my sugar. I hit my goal weight in about 5 and half months and I feel fabulous. The procedure has completely changed my life for the better because it has empowered me as a middle aged woman that I can really do everything and anything that I want to do. I don't put an age on anything. I don't say I'm too old for something.

Listen to Nicole’s testimonial
Robert's success story

I was tired of the way I looked. I was tired of the way I felt.


I knew if I didn't change something soon, I was going to be in a lot of trouble. The consultation process was a lot easier than I expected. I was met with open arms. I was treated like I was the only patient here. Not only did they answer all of my questions, they had questions for me to make sure I was the right candidate for the surgery. After surgery and that weight started dropping off, my life started changing for the better.

Listen to Robert’s testimonial
Samantha's success story

I feel like a completely different person.


I had the gastric sleeve procedure. The driving factor behind me getting this procedure was my health. I didn't feel good physically or mentally. I had joint pains, even standing was difficult sometimes. Emotionally, this surgery completely turned my life around. I have so much more confidence. So much more happiness. I feel like a completely different person. I feel stronger. I feel able to accomplish more.

Listen to Samantha’s testimonial
Eileen's success story

It saved my life.


The driving factor behind me getting my procedure was that I couldn't get up off the floor with my granddaughter. That was my why. That was my big reason for having this surgery done. After surgery, it was a little bit of a struggle with what to eat. What you put in your mouth that you don't even think about. You don't think about what you're eating or how you're eating and portion size. It's what I do now every single day. The procedure has changed my life in so many ways. It saved my life.

Listen to Eileen’s testimonial
Brittany's success story

I am totally comfortable in my own skin.


I think I always grew up identifying myself as less than other people because I was fat. I decided to tackle that and just live my life. I had a sleeve gastrectomy. It changed how I view myself. How I communicate with people. I'm able to be much more of myself and live the life I always thought I should have been living. I am totally comfortable in my own skin. You have the tools you need to succeed here.

Listen to Brittany’s testimonial
Desiree's success story

I have a brand new life. I can do things I couldn't do before.


I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy because I had just become diabetic, and I had hypertension for many years. I lost a total of 157 pounds in 11 months. I have a brand new life. I can do things I couldn't do before. Everyone at New York Bariatric Group has been wonderful. They are kind. They are understanding. They make you feel comfortable. They will guide you every step of the way on your journey so that you can be successful.

Listen to Desiree’s testimonial

BMI Calculator

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What is your weight?


Your BMI is

Note: A BMI of 30 – 34.9 or BMI 35 – 39.9 with no comorbidities qualify for lap band but is usually not covered by insurance.

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