The Obalon Balloon Capsule offers full clinical support throughout the treatment period, so weight loss is stable, safe, and long-term.

The Obalon Balloon Capsule is a unique, FDA-approved weight loss treatment that is entirely outpatient, non-surgical, and effective. Patients have exhibited an average loss of 7% of their total body weight after 12 weeks of treatment.
What to Expect from The Obalon Balloon Capsule
Obalon Balloon Capsule results will vary depending upon patient age, health, and degree of obesity. However, here is what most patients can expect from treatment.
No Downtime
Because the Obalon Balloon Capsule is completely non-surgical, patients do not require a recovery period. The entire installation process generally takes under 10 minutes.
The vast majority of patients can resume their normal daily routines immediately after undergoing treatment with very minimal side effects. This means you can actively begin your weight loss journey directly after your first procedure. When the treatment period is over, the balloons are deflated and extracted via brief, outpatient endoscopy.
Lasting Results
Patients who have had the Obalon Balloon Capsule reported a nearly 90 % weight loss maintenance after one year of treatment.
The Obalon Balloon Capsule is more than just an outpatient clinical procedure; it is a device-supported, long-term lifestyle modification. The weight loss will occur steadily throughout the treatment period provided that the approved behaviors are maintained consistently.
Continual Support
You will have ongoing nutritional and exercise support while the balloon remains installed, and for a 6-month period after it is extracted. Your support team will help you make the right dietary choices, assist you with portion control, recommend the appropriate exercise routine, and monitor your progress.
Easy Weight Management
The Obalon Balloon Capsule allows patients to adhere to their portion-controlled dietary program simply and effectively. Balloons can be added or adjusted to suit the weight loss goals of the patient, and to improve the patient experience.
Improved Health
During the clinical trials, patients who underwent weight loss treatment with the Obalon Balloon Capsule were found to have significantly reduced blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels.
Active Lifestyle
By maintaining a healthy, physician-assisted dietary program and increasing physical activity, you will dramatically increase your energy levels, improve the quality of your sleep, reduce stress, and enhance your mood. Weight loss also facilitates an increase in libido!
Learn More About the Obalon Balloon Capsule Procedure
For more information about the Obalon Balloon Capsule, please contact the New York Bariatric Group today for a consultation.