Arthritis – Back/Joint Disease

Arthritis- osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that affects the joints in the knees, hips, and lower back. Over time, the cartilage (padding that helps cushion joints), and the bones in the joints wear away. This destruction causes chronic pain. Obesity leads to and increases the risk of arthritis. The symptoms of osteoarthritis including pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility are worse in the obese population as joints are put under greater stress and pressure. Therefore, musculoskeletal problems like osteoarthritis are much more prevalent in the obese population than among normal weight individuals. Health studies show that obesity is a strong predictor of symptoms arthritis, especially in the knees. After bariatric surgery and the subsequent weight loss, the symptoms of osteoarthritis can be dramatically improved or resolved, or the condition can be avoided completely.


Scientific studies have shown that excess weight increases the risk and severity of asthma. Most patients who had asthma before weight loss surgery find that they have fewer and less severe attacks or sometimes none at all as they lose excess weight and fat. Several studies indicate that bariatric surgery decreases asthma severity. Most patients who were on steroids for their asthma before bariatric surgery were able to stop their steroids within 18 months after their surgery (as described at the 25th meeting of the ASMBS). In addition, more than half of patients with asthma show improvement in the severity of symptoms and a decrease in the need to use their medications.

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Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy

Gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) is a simpler procedure to perform than gastric bypass, resulting in fewer complications and faster recovery times. The gastrointestinal tract is not changed in a sleeve gastrectomy, decreasing possible complications, like vitamin deficiencies that occur with gastric bypass surgery. Patients can lose weight similar to gastric bypass surgery, over a significantly shorter time.

One reason the gastric sleeve results are so positive is, when we do the operation, we take out a section of your stomach that produces a hormone called Ghrelin. Ghrelin is known as the hunger hormone. It stimulates feelings of hunger, so when we remove this portion of the stomach, our patients find their hunger levels drop, and it is easier to eat less. Additionally, we are removing about 70 – 80% of your stomach, so the stomach feels full with a much smaller volume of food.

For this reason, patients tend to eat less and feel full more quickly. Another benefit of this surgery is that your stomach will continue to function normally. As a result, you can still eat most of your favorite foods with no worries about suffering from dumping syndrome, which is characterized by abdominal discomfort and other related symptoms. You also do not have to worry about foreign bodies being implanted in you, as is the case with lap band surgery.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Benefits of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is one of many innovative procedures offered by the New York Bariatric Group. The most obvious and rewarding benefits of laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding surgery are dramatic weight loss and improved quality of life. Patients lose an average of 50 to 70 percent of their excess body weight over a period of two to three years following laparoscopic gastric banding. Gradual weight loss in the years following the procedure can bring significant improvements in health.

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery patients can reduce the risk of developing severe health conditions related to morbid obesity, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, sleep apnea, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, acid reflux disease, asthma, and osteoarthritis. With laparoscopic gastric banding, you’ll be able to make dramatic improvements to your overall health, reduce the risk of serious conditions and illnesses, and see both immediate and long-term results.

Learn more about laparoscopic gastric banding surgery by exploring the rest of our website, or calling the New York Bariatric Group at 800-633-THIN.

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Benefits of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding

Benefits of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding

Benefits of Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Is the Roux-En-Y gastric bypass the right procedure for you? Learn more about the benefits of laparoscopic gastric bypass, results, and more, and get ready to begin your weight loss journey. With laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery, patients can lose an average of up to 80 percent of their excess body weight with the most dramatic weight loss occurring in the first year after surgery.

These types of sensational Roux-en-Y gastric bypass results are what make this the most prevalent form of bariatric surgery. Roux-En-Y gastric bypass results are both quick and long-lasting and have been proven to increase the lifespan of patients by curing or dramatically improving diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and other life threatening illnesses related to obesity. Gastric bypass surgery has a 40-year history of success. The procedure has been thoroughly studied and its results are well documented.

An additional advantage to this “gold standard” of bariatric procedures is that there are no adjustments to be made after roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery. Roux-En-Y gastric bypass, or laparoscopic gastric bypass, remains a widely utilized and successful solution. Learn more about getting started by calling the New York Bariatric Group at 800-633-THIN or feel free to continue exploring our website to learn more about different types of bariatric surgery.


There are many types of cancers associated with obesity. According to the American Cancer Society (2003), obesity increases the risk of: breast cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, gall bladder cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, and uterine cancer. The relationship between obesity and cancer is not well understood, but it is believed that obesity causes a general inflammatory state to the body that leads to increased cancer risk. The American Cancer Society (2008) reports that about 14 to 20 percent of all cancer deaths in the U.S. can be attributed to excess weight or obesity. Since cancer risk increases with obesity, losing weight with bariatric surgery may lower your risk of obesity-related cancers, among other health benefits.

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Cardiovascular Disease

There is a strong correlation between heart disease and obesity.  The more over-weight a person is, the more likely he or she is to develop heart disease.  An obese person has more body mass due to having more body fat.  This increased mass means the person has more blood flowing that has to be pumped by the heart throughout the body.  Therefore, the heart must work harder, straining to pump the excess blood throughout the body.

This strain is often increased with exertion. In addition, obesity contributes to other cardiovascular risk factors (like high blood pressure and high cholesterol) that worsen heart disease.  It is proven that bariatric surgery will drastically reduce your chance of developing heart disease by reducing your weight.

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Research has shown that there is no clear one-way connection between obesity and depression. Instead, studies have shown that the two tend to feed off each other in a vicious, self-destructive circle.

Obesity is strongly linked to depression. Studies show that individuals suffering from obesity are about 25 percent more likely to experience a mood disorder, such as depression, compared to those who are not obese. Obesity can contribute to poor self-image, low self-esteem, and social isolation—all known risk factors for depression. Additionally, those affected by obesity may face ostracization, stereotyping, and discrimination. The excess weight carried by individuals with obesity can also lead to chronic joint pain and serious conditions like diabetes and hypertension, which have been associated with depression.

A study of people who underwent bariatric surgery for their obesity found that as they shed pounds, they also shed their depression. A year after surgery, the subjects had experienced a 77% loss of excess body weight, and an accompanying 18% reduction in symptoms of depression. Some studies show that with weight loss, depression can be improved or cured in up to 90% of patients. Younger people, women, and those who experienced greater weight loss were more likely to feel less depressed.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a fairly common health problem that occurs when the valve that keeps food and stomach acid down in the stomach doesn’t work well and the food and stomach acid are forced back up into the esophagus. When you gain weight, the extra pounds put pressure on your stomach, forcing food and stomach acid to go back up into your esophagus.

The esophagus, unlike the stomach, is not suited to protect itself against these more acidic substances and damage to the esophagus, sometimes irreversible, occurs. It is also believed that chronic damage to the esophagus that occurs during GERD can lead to esophageal cancer. The symptoms of GERD include heartburn, persistent cough, severe chest pain, and the taste of acid in your mouth.

The fact that obesity and GERD are linked actually makes the cure for GERD completely attainable. Lose weight and you will be able to effectively reduce the stress on your organs and reduce or eliminate the symptoms associated with GERD. If your symptoms of GERD are related to obesity, then weight loss is the answer for curing it. Relief of heartburn due to GERD occurs soon after surgery in more than 90% of patients.

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High Blood Cholesterol

Too much of a fatty substance, called cholesterol, in your blood, can build up in your blood vessels. This buildup narrows the vessel, causes damage, and can lead to heart disease or a stroke. If you are obese, you are more likely to have high levels of cholesterol in your blood than people who aren’t obese. In addition, if you have extra fat around your waist rather than around your hips and buttocks you are likely to have high levels of cholesterol in your blood. Also, eating too many saturated fats can raise your cholesterol levels. About 80% of patients who have a high cholesterol level will have a normal cholesterol level within a few months after surgery.

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is the term for elevated, or high, blood pressure. If your blood pressure is 135/85 or higher each time it is measured and you are under age 65, you have hypertension. Normal blood pressure is generally defined as less than 120/80mm Hg (millimeters of mercury pressure). The maximum acceptable systolic (the first number listed) pressure is 120, which is developed when the heart is pumping; and the maximum acceptable diastolic (the second number) pressure is 80mm Hg. As either or both of these numbers rise, the work of the heart and blood vessels (to pump the blood through the body) increases and thereby increases the risk of major complications, such as heart attacks, hardening of the arteries, stroke, and heart failure.

Many different factors are associated with high blood pressure: heredity, sex, age, race, stress, smoking, a diet high in salt, heavy use of alcohol, and especially obesity. Many of these risk factors (like heredity, age, sex, and race) cannot be controlled so it is important to control those that can (like obesity, smoking, diet, and alcohol use).

Blood pressure is determined by a complex system of circulating hormones, many of which are made in fat tissue. These hormones control the diameter of the arteries and thereby control the pressure in the arteries.

The reasons that obesity causes hypertension are multiple, but it seems that the excess fat tissue secretes substances that cause hypertension. In addition, with obesity there are generally higher amounts of insulin produced (because of the excess fat tissue). This excess insulin also elevates blood pressure.

By losing weight (and, in turn, losing fat tissue) your body will produce less of these hormones that cause hypertension. The weight loss that results from bariatric surgery has hypertension cure rates (meaning patients can come off their hypertension medications and maintain consistently normal blood pressure), of up to 98%.


Obesity among women of childbearing age is at a crisis level. This means that more women are overweight or obese when they become pregnant, and this can have serious consequences for both mother and baby.

Obesity has been linked to multiple medical problems related to childbearing, including infertility. Infertility in obese and overweight women is primarily related to ovaries that do not function properly. Anovulation (absence of ovulation) often results in irregular menstrual cycles. Studies have shown that 30 to 47 percent of obese women will have irregular menstrual cycles. The likelihood of irregular menstrual cycles increases in direct proportion to increases in weight. Also, weight reduction often leads to resumption of normal menses and increased pregnancy rates.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a specific medical condition associated with irregular menstrual cycles, anovulation, obesity, and elevated male hormones. It has been shown that weight loss dramatically improves or even eliminates PCOS.

First line treatment for obesity-related infertility is weight loss (as in bariatric surgery) especially if lifestyle modifications fail to result in sufficient weight loss.

Obese women have a higher rate of pregnancy loss. Studies show that obese women have up to a two-fold higher risk of miscarriage compared to normal weight women. It is not clear why this occurs, but weight loss can dramatically decrease the risk of miscarriage.

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Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition among those suffering from obesity, and many more may not even realize they have it. Sleep apnea is not just snoring—it is a serious medical condition that can cause a person to stop breathing for short periods during sleep, leading to daytime drowsiness. Additionally, disrupted sleep can result in fatigue, headaches, depression, memory loss, and low energy levels.

Obstructive sleep apnea has also been linked to more serious problems like high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Obesity is a major risk factor for sleep apnea, and therefore, weight loss surgery is an effective treatment.  Excess body fat on the neck and chest constricts the air-passages and sometimes the lungs.  Obesity, particularly abdominal and upper body obesity, is the most significant risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea. The more obese a person, the greater the risk of apnea.

Thus morbid obesity carries a greater risk. Weight loss, and weight loss surgery, reduce sleep apnea.  One of the key bariatric surgery health benefits will be leading to a significant improvement in symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. Most patients stop snoring within a few months after surgery and more than 85% of patients who had to use CPAP machines at night before weight loss surgery are symptom free without the use of their machines within one year of their surgery.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

There are an estimated 23.6 million people in the U.S. (7.8% of the population) living with diabetes. Of those 23.6 million, 90% have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (also known as non-insulin dependent or formerly known as adult onset diabetes). Although type 2 diabetes used to be considered a disease of adults, type 2 diabetes is increasingly diagnosed in children, directly related to the rising obesity rates in children. About 55% of patients are obese at the time being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Chronic obesity leads to increased insulin resistance (the body no longer responds to the insulin that it produces). Insulin resistance often develops into type 2 diabetes. Diabetes affects over 150 million people worldwide and this number is expected to double by 2025.

Urinary Stress Incontinence

Bladder control or urinary incontinence is an issue for millions of Americans. Incontinence can occur in people of all ages. Women are twice as likely to experience it than men. Urinary Incontinence is characterized by the inability to control the flow of urine. A small amount of urine is passed, or a strong and extremely sudden urge to urinate is sensed followed by losing a large amount of urine. For some this is bothersome but for others, it can be virtually debilitating.

Some people with urinary incontinence are so fearful of the embarrassment their symptoms might bring that they avoid social interaction. Being overweight can increase your chances of experiencing urinary incontinence due to the accumulation of extra weight in the midsection. When you carry excess weight in your abdominal area, the extra pounds put added pressure on your bladder. The extra pressure makes your bladder more likely to leak. This type of urinary incontinence is called stress incontinence.

Obesity can noticeably worsen urinary incontinence if you had symptoms prior to gaining weight. The good news is that losing weight by bariatric surgery can often reduce its severity. Controlling your weight in the long-term may even completely eliminate your urinary incontinence symptoms. The more weight you lose from your midsection, the less pressure is on your bladder, most often alleviating the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Thomas' success story

I went in for surgery. An hour later, I came out a new man.


Everybody treated me like a king. The day of surgery, I was excited. The hospital couldn’t be any nicer. I went in for surgery. An hour later, I came out a new man. My recovery was awesome. I was out of bed that day. My wife and kids were my motivation on getting this surgery. They are my whole life. I’m happy I’m going to be around for them.

Listen to Thomas’ testimonial
Nicole's success story

I hit my goal weight ... and I feel fabulous


I had the gastric bypass. I am Type 2 Diabetic and I wanted to gain control of my sugar. I hit my goal weight in about 5 and half months and I feel fabulous. The procedure has completely changed my life for the better because it has empowered me as a middle aged woman that I can really do everything and anything that I want to do. I don't put an age on anything. I don't say I'm too old for something.

Listen to Nicole’s testimonial
Robert's success story

I was tired of the way I looked. I was tired of the way I felt.


I knew if I didn't change something soon, I was going to be in a lot of trouble. The consultation process was a lot easier than I expected. I was met with open arms. I was treated like I was the only patient here. Not only did they answer all of my questions, they had questions for me to make sure I was the right candidate for the surgery. After surgery and that weight started dropping off, my life started changing for the better.

Listen to Robert’s testimonial
Samantha's success story

I feel like a completely different person.


I had the gastric sleeve procedure. The driving factor behind me getting this procedure was my health. I didn't feel good physically or mentally. I had joint pains, even standing was difficult sometimes. Emotionally, this surgery completely turned my life around. I have so much more confidence. So much more happiness. I feel like a completely different person. I feel stronger. I feel able to accomplish more.

Listen to Samantha’s testimonial
Eileen's success story

It saved my life.


The driving factor behind me getting my procedure was that I couldn't get up off the floor with my granddaughter. That was my why. That was my big reason for having this surgery done. After surgery, it was a little bit of a struggle with what to eat. What you put in your mouth that you don't even think about. You don't think about what you're eating or how you're eating and portion size. It's what I do now every single day. The procedure has changed my life in so many ways. It saved my life.

Listen to Eileen’s testimonial
Brittany's success story

I am totally comfortable in my own skin.


I think I always grew up identifying myself as less than other people because I was fat. I decided to tackle that and just live my life. I had a sleeve gastrectomy. It changed how I view myself. How I communicate with people. I'm able to be much more of myself and live the life I always thought I should have been living. I am totally comfortable in my own skin. You have the tools you need to succeed here.

Listen to Brittany’s testimonial
Desiree's success story

I have a brand new life. I can do things I couldn't do before.


I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy because I had just become diabetic, and I had hypertension for many years. I lost a total of 157 pounds in 11 months. I have a brand new life. I can do things I couldn't do before. Everyone at New York Bariatric Group has been wonderful. They are kind. They are understanding. They make you feel comfortable. They will guide you every step of the way on your journey so that you can be successful.

Listen to Desiree’s testimonial

BMI Calculator

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Note: A BMI of 30 – 34.9 or BMI 35 – 39.9 with no comorbidities qualify for lap band but is usually not covered by insurance.

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