Every surgical procedure has risks associated with the procedure. Risks are potential complications that can happen after surgery. These complications require additional tests for evaluation and may require medications or surgery to treat.
Gastric Bypass Risks

Gastric bypass is associated with the following risks:
- Leak from staple line or one of the two bowel connections- this is an early complication occurring in the first 2-4 weeks. It can require additional procedures to manage.
- Bleeding from staple line, other internal organs, or incisions. This complication occurs in the first 24 hours and usually requires a return to the operating room.
- Death- this is a rare complication after bypass surgery. Our current mortality rate for this procedure is 0%.
- Hernias in small laparoscopic incisions.
- Infections in small incisions- usually respond to antibiotics.
- Blood clots in legs that can travel to lungs- compressive stockings, blood thinning agents, and early ambulation typically prevent these complications but they can still occur and require medicine to treat.
- Ulcers in stomach- usually respond to medication.
- Stricture or narrowing of connection between small bowel and pouch- this complication can require additional procedures to manage.
- Internal hernia- bowel can get trapped in spaces created by moving the small bowel- usually requires surgery to manage.
This list includes the risks most common for patients but is not an exhaustive list.